Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Adding Sound

How do you plan to use sound in your game? How will it help enhance the game play and learning experience of your game?

We plan on using sound in the game for the placement of the bones and possibility when the player clicks a button.  Sound in a game makes the game fun for people to play and easier to remember the certain parts of the game.

Development Plan

What is the most difficult concept to teach for your topic? How are you finding tutorials and thinking about design to teach others this concept?

The most difficult concept to teach is somewhat the entire thing and about the bones and their names.  I am not really finding any helpful tutorials and all.  I can't really think of a design to teach others this concept but hopefully after senior project due date passes I'll be able to think of one...hopefully.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Integrating Code

Has being a "producer" (of your wiki, blog and game) rather than just a "consumer" changed how you think about media? Why or why not?

Yes it has, because of all the coding I have to do, I am now thinking of all the coding it took to do this, that, and the other.  It is getting really old really fast and it keeps giving me a headache.  It is very very annoying.  At this point as bad as it is to say, I'd rather be the consumer, because then all the consumer does is play the game while being ignorant towards all the work that went into it.  I mean they probably know that a lot of work went into it, but they don't know exactly how much.  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Presenting Your Demo

Embed the Viddler clip of your presentation to your blog.
Reflect on your presentation. 
What were your biggest fears about speaking in public, if any?

I can't upload my presentation so it's not here.

Its not that I'm afraid of doing public speaking, it's the fact that I really hate it and I am not good at it.  I don't do well if its a semi big or a big class. If its a handful of people, like, around 5 or 6 people I can do it really easy.  The only thing I am afraid of, when it comes to public speaking , is saying the wrong thing and accidentally either embarrassing myself or ticking the people off.

Assembling Your Demo

Do you think you've learned more about your game topic in the process of making this demo? If so, what have you learned and why do you think you've acquired this new knowledge? If not, why not?

I think that I have learned more about making a game itself rather than the game topic.  I have learned that the people who make games don't get paid enough for the hard work and it takes to make a game.  I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my temper in check while trying to deal with all the coding that they have to do.  Ugh just thinking about it makes me even more tired.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Adding Scenes

Creating scenes in a sequence helps game designers tell the "story" of their game through a narrative. How are you using visual storytelling through your sequence of scenes to help players learn about your topic? What are examples of games you played in the Playing to Learn topic that use storytelling to teach a concept well? How have other narrative games influenced your game?

My game doesn't really have a storyline to it its just put the bones to the work or vise versa, depending on the level. Examples of games I played for Playing to Learn topic are Save the World(?) FBLA Style and Tempest in Crescent City.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drawing A Scene

List a new idea or concept you've learned about your game topic since you started this course. How did you come to learn this? What sources where helpful to you in gaining this understanding? What makes these news or research sources especially informative and trustworthy?

A new idea or concept I've learned about my game topic is that no matter the topic it's still hard and flash doesn't like to cooperate.  As for how I learned this, trying would be the answer.  And to make matters worse I can't watch videos on google to help me. 
The sources that have been helpful for making the game is my notes from Human Anatomy and a few websites.
They are trustworthy because my notes came from someone who gets paid to teach the stuff and as for the sites I recognize the names that they use for the bones and where they go.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Planning Your Game

Post a picture of your team and introduce the team roles.
What is your role in the team? 
Why are you good at this job? 
What is the hardest part about working in teams?

Were not exactly sure who's going to be doing what and I hope to fix that soon and when I do I'll edit this and take this little paragraph and delete it and put up the team roles, till then its up.

The hardest part about working in teams is that if someone slacks off the team pays for it and if one person doesn't have their work done the team suffers instead of the individual.

Imagining Your Game

imgres.jpgWhat are you most excited about as you begin your game? 

I'm honestly not sure.  I'm just hoping that it will be a good game and people will actually like it, and if they don't then oh well not my problem if they think they can do better I'd love to see it instead of hearing it.  To me as long as someone likes it, even a little bit, then great, it means that I've actually done some good.

Paper Prototyping

How has this assignment helped you think more clearly about your game idea? Has it caused you to modify your ideas or approach? Why or why not?

Kinda there are still some things that need to be worked out with it, otherwise yea.  It has caused me and my teammate to modify some parts of what we wanted to do with our game because apparently someone had the same idea as us and we didn't know about it till the last minute(not fun) and had to add and redo some if not most of our scenes.  If I've learned anything about Paper Prototyping it's that it's not exactly fun or easy and takes a lot of thinking, but it's probably going to be the easiest thing we do out of the whole entire game making process.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Finished Mini Game

Was it hard to make your mini game? What was the best part of this topic? The worst part?

It was pretty hard to make the mini game. Some of the coding I didn't understand where it went and if it went inside the curly brackets or outside of them.

The best part of it was actually getting it to work.

The worst part of it was the whole coding deal. The coding was a major pain at times.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Do you play games in your free time? Which ones do you play and why are they your favorite? Does this topic give you a new perspective about playing games? Why or why not?

I love playing video games especially when my aunt takes away the computer from me for some reason or another and my friends are too busy with something or another. I also love playing games on the internet whenever I can. I have an Xbox, PS2, Nintendo 64, Gameboy Advance, and I'm hoping to get an Nintendo DS Lite next weekend.  I usually play either the PS2 or gameboy or, if I can be on the internet, games from adictinggames.com.  Unfortunately the sites blocked so yea no can do there.  If I play internet games I usually play Max Damage 1 and 2, This Is the Only Level 1 and 2, and some random action games, it occasionally depends on what I feel like playing at the time.  If I'm playing on the PS2 its usually a Resident Evil game or one of the Guitar Hero games. If its the gameboy it's Yoshi's Island or Super Mario 3.  Out of those My favorites, regardless of system or internet, is any mario game (I absolutely love mario games), Guitar Hero, and some of the shooting/action games that I don't remember the names of right now.  

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Game Topic

imgres.jpgThe game I plan on making is a science game that involves human anatomy.  It involves the bones in the human body not sure if I am going to focus on a certain part of the bones in the body or different parts of the bones in the body.  I am hoping that my game comes out good or at least semi good and not a total fail.  The reason as for why I chose science is because at the time it seemed that it would be somewhat easier than math.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Game genre most interested in

I prefer action games more than anything.  Although puzzle and adventure games are a very close second.  I love stick figure games more than any other single player online game.  It's going to be pretty hard to make an action game since most of the action games I play involve blood and killing. And not to mention making it educational.  Maybe making it an educational adventure game will be easier.  I'm not exactly sure which I will choose.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Wiki Games

I really don't like the games because they're not my kind of games, but since I have to I guess I'll chose the game "Bare Arms" for the most educational and "Save the World, FBLA Style" for the least educational.  I chose "Bare Arms" for the most educational because it a quiz on the 2nd Amendment and although people may know a lot about it not all people do.  I chose "Save the World, FBLA Style" for the least educational because it didn't really say much about educational, but it was the most fun game.


It is important to protect your privacy on the internet because of stalkers and pedophiles and the such.  It's also important because you may lose your password if you don't make it something only you would know and not tell anyone else.  Sometimes it's better to have only 2 or 3 different passwords of else you might not remember them all if, for instance, you have, like, 10 or 15 different passwords its almost, if not, impossible to remember them all.

Thursday, August 26, 2010



I picked this video because I thought it was funny and everyone knows school needs humor if your going to be able live through it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Game Design 1st blog

I am not sure what kinds of games this class will make, all I know is that they will be educational.  Its kinda not fair that they have to be educational but then again I don't have all the details on what, exactly, we're going to be doing.

I am excited and nervous about making the games themselves.  I am hoping that it goes well and that I don't mess up on some part and we have to do it all over.  But then again, knowing my luck, thats exactly whats going to happen.